Article archive

Adopt a Soldier

01/25/2013 16:23
I highly reccomend this program! I have two soldiers I write to and send care packages to. It's really rewarding and you get to meet really awesome people!

The real heros

01/25/2013 16:09
“To the brave souls who don’t get thanked enough”                 We live in a world where superheroes wear capes; they fly from building to building catching the “bad guys.” They also have extraordinary powers. Superman can...

Happy Almost Election Day!

11/05/2012 14:07
Election day is tomorrow! Now I'm not sure if I should be nervous or excited, but this is a tradition our country has had since the beginning and I will be voting tomorrow. (Notice how I didn't say for who?) Some things are just better left unsaid. :) My advice to you? Don't get caught up in the...

November Competition!

11/05/2012 07:32
Good Morning! It's time for a little competition! In the spirit of November, I'm challenging you all to write a simple, small Thankgiving poem. Submit them via FB, Email, Private message, or on the website! The top two winners poems will be posted on my website....

New start

11/03/2012 19:43
Our new blog has been launched today. I'm so excited to finally share some of my writings. Today I've uploaded a few old pieces of poetry, but don't worry I am working on a lot of new stuff I think you will all like. Thank you for staying patient.   XOXO, Reylene Miranda

New event!

11/03/2012 19:43
Send in your favorite, sassy quotes, the top two favorites will be features on our homepage! You have until December 3rd, send your quotes into!   Reylene Miranda

Writing about worries eases anxiety and improves test performance

11/03/2012 12:56
Hello readers, take a second and read this article.
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